Human Resources Department recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment I to Agreement for Services 4730, with Christopher K. Boucher doing business as Boucher Law, to process a name change to Boucher Law, PC and updating contract language; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Contract 4730, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
Human Resources receives complaints of alleged misconduct in the workplace, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation by County employees. Pursuant to Part 3 of County Personnel Rules, Code of Ethics, Commitment to County Public Service, and Respectful Workplace, Human Resources receives and provides for investigations of these complaints. The department has contracted with outside vendors when special skills and qualifications are involved in the performance of the work, when it is necessary to protect against a conflict of interest and obtain an outside perspective to make independent and unbiased findings, or when it is otherwise necessary to ensure a prompt and thorough investigation and resolution of the complaints filed. The nature of the work involves temporary, occasional, and urgent services.
In May 2021, Christopher K. Boucher dba Boucher Law incorporated and changed the name and legal entity to Boucher Law, PC. Amendment I to contract 4730 will reflect the new legal entity and name change. Amendment I also updates several Articles to include updated contract provisions, and to memorialize the independent consultant relationship created through this Agreement.
The Board could not approve the amendment acknowledging the name change.
April 7, 2020 Legistar item 20-0392 - Approval of Agreement 4730.
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