Transportation Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign the Second Amendment to Agreement for Services AGMT 05-855 (408-S0611) with Sycamore Environmental Consultants, Inc. extending the term for six (6) additional months through February 28, 2010, to allow for completion of Task Orders that have already been authorized under this Agreement.
FUNDING: 2004 Traffic Impact Mitigation fees, Grants, Developer Time and Materials Billings and Road Fund
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no fiscal impact or net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item. Appropriate funding for each Task Order was identified prior to authorization and issuance of the Task Order.
The Board approved Agreement # AGMT 05-855 on August 30, 2005 for as needed professional and technical services to perform various environmental review services in support of the County's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and generally in support of other County activities as required. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was released in February 2005. Proposals from fourteen (14) environmental firms were screened and interviewed. After a thorough evaluation and scoring by a panel consisting of staff from the Department of Transportation (Department) and a member of the Development Services Department as an outside agency, Sycamore was one of three environmental firms to be chosen. Subsequently, a second RFQ process was conducted in November of 2007. Through the evaluation and scoring of that RFQ, Sycamore was again ranked highly and as a result, the existing Agreement was amended to extend the termination date to August 30, 2009.
Reason for Recommendation:
Sycamore is presently providing environmental support for several ongoing CIP projects, including the Bridge Replacement Projects at Green Valley Road / Weber Creek, Rubicon Trail at Ellis Creek Crossing, Wentworth Springs Road at Gerle Creek, and the new US 50 / Weber Creek Bridge /...
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