Department of Human Services (DHS) recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign retroactive nonfinancial Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 249-M1210 with the California Department of Child Support Services (CDCSS) for the term of November 4, 2011 to November 3, 2014 to delineate the responsibilities of DHS and CDCSS as they apply to DHS’s on-line access to the Child Support Enforcement component (CSE) of the California Child Support Automation System (CCSAS).
Total Estimated Cost $0.00
Budgeted $0.00
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $0.00
Change To Net County Cost $0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No costs are associated with this MOU.
Termination: The MOU contains a provision for either party to terminate the agreement without cause upon thirty days prior written notice.
Retroactive Term: The MOU is retroactive to November 4, 2011, due to receiving the MOU from the state in mid-September 2011 for processing.
Background: Nonfinancial Agreement for Services 284-M0910 with the California Department of Child Support Services was approved and executed by the Board October 21, 2008, thereby permitting DHS access to its CCSAS system during the term of November 4, 2008 through November 3, 2011.
Reason For Recommendation: The California Department of Child Support Services routinely enters into cooperative agreements with other county agencies, courts, and law enforcement officials as necessary to establish and enforce its child support obligations pursuant to California Family Code Sections 17200, et al. DHS has been identified as an agency that requires access to the Child Support Enforcement component (CSE) of the California Child Support Automation System in order to verify information necessary for the accurate administration of its CalWORKs program.
Nonfinancial MOU 249-M1210 replaces prior nonfinan...
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