Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board ratify the Chief Administrator's signature on Facility Use Agreement No. 489-O1111, agreement between the County of El Dorado and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for use of the Veterans Memorial Building beginning on March 25, 2011 through March 27, 2011 for the purposes of operating an Emergency Staging Area for their workers. Pacific Gas and Electric Company shall pay County a minimum of $1,800 for use of the property.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: This is a revenue generating agreement. No impact to Net County Cost.
Reason for Recommendation: Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) contacted the County with the request to utilize the Veterans Memorial Building as a staging area for workers in anticipation of an upcoming storm event. There was not enough time to get this agreement on the Board agenda for signature prior to the need for the building. The Board is being asked to ratify the Chief Administrative Officer's signature on the facility use agreement that would have otherwise required Board approval.
Contact: Laura Schwartz x6541