Department of Human Services recommending the Board, as the Governing Board of the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority, authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 1 to Agreement for Services 075-S1010 with Industrial Employers and Distributors Association, doing business as IEDA, Inc., increasing the total not to exceed amount by $19,000 from $25,000 to $44,000 and extending the term for an additional year to provide consultation and advice on employer-employee relations to the El Dorado County In-Home Support Services Public Authority during the term October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2011.
FUNDING: 85% Federal/State In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Funds with 15% required County General Fund Match.
Total Estimated Cost $44,000.00
Original Contract $25,000.00
Amendment 1 Increase $19,000.00
Total Funding Available $44,000.00
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change.
Funds for this service are included in the Department’s FY 10-11 Recommended Budget and will be included in the FY 11-12 County Budget Budget request.
Compensation for Services:
Payments to Contractor are made monthly in arrears and within 45 days following the County’s receipt and approval of itemized invoices identifying services rendered. Allowable services are detailed on page 2 of the original Agreement under Scope of Services.
Agreement includes the County’s standard Fiscal Considerations termination language, as well as a provision for the County to terminate Agreement without cause in seven (7) calendar days upon written notice.
Each county in California is required to operate an In-Home Supportive Service (IHSS) program to provide personal care and domestic services to aged, blind or disabled individuals in their own homes. The purpose of the program is to allow individuals who are r...
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