Department of Transportation recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Consent of Lessor for the Assignment of Portable Hangar Ground Lease No. 09-52873 between Ronald E. and Sharon C. Baierlein, Assignor and Steven Sybeldon, Assignee and Lease No. 10-52949 between Kelly Van Slate, Assignor and Joseph F. Newman, Assignee at the Placerville Airport. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Placerville Airports Enterprise Fund - Fee Revenue.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
The County will receive annual revenue in the total amount of $1,537 from the leases listed as set by Resolution 097-2010. There is no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item.
Ronald and Sharon Baierlein have sold their interest in their hangar to Steven Sybeldon and Kelly Van Slate has sold her interest in her hangar to Joseph F. Newman. The Assignors have entered into the new 10-year Ground Lease Agreement which was approved by the Airport Committee and your Board on August 18, 2009. The Board must approve of the assignment of these leases from the Assignors to the Assignees. The lease payments are current for the 10/11 fiscal year and transfer fees have been paid.
Reason for Recommendation:
Airport users with portable hangars must enter into a ground lease with the County of El Dorado for the use of Airport property and the Board of Supervisors must give consent for assignments for these leases.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1. The Board Chair will execute the Consent of Lessor for the Assignment of Portable Hangar Ground Lease Agreements.
2. The Clerk of the Board to return one fully-executed copy of each Consent of Lessor Agreement to DOT (Airports) for transmittal to Lessee.
James W. Ware P.E.
Director of Transportation
Concurrences: County Counsel and Risk Management