Continuation of hearing from June 2, 2009, Item 41 to consider a request submitted by Marion E. Long appealing the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission for Special Use Permit S07-0020/Pacific House Auto Repair on property, identified by APN 009-140-19, consisting of 4.19 acres, in the Pacific House area; and Planning Services recommending the Board take the following actions:
1) Certify that the project is Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301(d) of the CEQA Guidelines;
2) Grant the appeal in part and uphold the conditional approval of the Special Use Permit application S07-0020 by the Planning Commission on April 23, 2009, based on the findings and subject to the revised conditions of approval listed in Attachment 1; and
3) Grant the requested appeal fee waiver submitted by the applicant at time of appeal filing in part by having the applicant submit $200 to Planning Services. (Supervisorial District II) (Cont'd 6/2/09, Item 41)
Background: This item was heard by the Board on June 2, 2009, with direction for the appellant to work with staff and Supervisor Nutting to resolve outstanding issues and return back to the Board with recommendations. Please refer to the revised conditions of approval in Attachment 1 based on the recommendations of Supervisor Nutting after meeting with the applicant and staff on June 3, 2009. Deletions are denoted by double strikethrough and additions are denoted by double underline.
Contact: Roger P. Trout (5369)/Pierre Rivas (5841)