Hearing to consider Planning Commission's recommendation that the Board take the following actions on Ordinance OR06-0006/Affordable Housing Density Bonus:
1) Adopt the Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff;
2) Approve OR06-0006, Affordable Housing Density Bonus Ordinance, amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 17, addressing requirements of Chapter 4.3 §65915 of California Code requiring local governments to provide incentives that will encourage developers to build affordable housing in the form of both: 1) a density bonus, and 2) exceptions from normally applicable zoning and other development standards; and
3) Adopt Ordinance for same. (Ordinance 4816)
Background: Request to consider OR06-0006/Density Bonus initiated by EL DORADO COUNTY for a proposed amendment to County Zoning Ordinance, Title 17 addressing the requirements of Chapter 4.3 §65915 of California Code requiring local governments to provide incentives that will encourage developers to build affordable housing in the form of both: 1) a density bonus, and 2) exceptions from normally applicable zoning and other development standards. The State law requires each city and county to adopt an ordinance that specifies how compliance with this section will be implemented. The adoption of the proposed ordinance also would achieve the requirement of General Plan Housing Element Implementation Measure HO-7, which was adopted July 1, 2008 to ensure these State standards are met. The Ordinance would apply to all areas of the County where residential uses are permitted. (Negative declaration prepared)*
This application was heard on February 12, 2009 to receive public comment and continue item to the February 26, 2009 meeting for action. This application was considered by the Planning Commission on February 26, 2009 and was recommended for approval (4-0). The minutes from both meetings are attached.
Contact: Roger P. Trout (5369)/Peter Maurer (5331)