Recommending the Executive Committee:
1. Discuss service needs at the El Dorado County Placerville and South Lake Tahoe Jails;
2. Approve an adhoc committee, in accordance with the Community Corrections Partnership Bylaws dated December 17, 2014, with the objective to create a comprehensive service plan that incorporates pre sentence and sentenced custody population through reentry population transitioning to community supervision or treatment by June 30, 2023.
(a.) Appoint an Executive Committee member and/or designee to head the ad hoc committee; and
(b.) Identify ad hoc committee members.
A service proposal has been received from El Dorado County of Education (EDCOE) to increase services in the Placerville Jail to include Moral Reconation Therapy and MATRIX. Probation and Jail staff have been actively meeting regarding the proposal in relation to the Grand Jury Report, dated June 16, 2022. At this time, an ad hoc committee is requested to assist with a comprehensive plan that encompasses the service needs, the capacity to provide services in custody, identify staffing impacts with increased service demands, and funding impact of the comprehensive plan.