Library Director recommending the Board accept, with gratitude, an in-kind donation of new carpet, including installation costs, valued at approximately $1,625 from the Cameron Park Friends of the Library for the meeting room at the Cameron Park Library.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
No change to Net County Cost.
The Friends of the Library have embarked upon a project to update and freshen the appearance of the Cameron Park Library Meeting Room. One of their objectives is to replace the worn carpet in the meeting room that is approximately eighteen years old.
Reason for Recommendation
The Friends of the Library have paid Cambridge Flooring Design in Cameron Park $1,625 to purchase and install the carpet. The installation will be provided by Cambridge Flooring Design as volunteer labor.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
1) The Facilities Management Division will issue Notice to Proceed and coordinate the installation of the carpet.
2) Cambridge Flooring Design to order and install selected carpet.
Jeanne Amos, Librarian
Facilities Management and Risk Management