County Counsel recommending consideration of Conflict of Interest Issues associated with the Board's anticipated action(s) in regards to the matter of Ronald V. Briggs and Norma Santiago v. County of El Dorado et al., Placer County Superior Court Case Number SCV-0036836 including possible random selection of two Board Members having a conflict of interest to make a quorum to take action in regards to this matter. (Est. Time: 30 Min.)
County Counsel recommends that the Board (1) Receive and file the report of County Counsel disclosing the conflict of interest issues arising from the court’s decision in the matter of Briggs/Santiago v. County of El Dorado and (2) undertake the random selection of two supervisors to participate in the making of decisions or providing of direction to Counsel regarding the lawsuit.
This matter comes to the Board in a rather interesting posture. On or about September 15, 2015 former Board of Supervisors members, Ronald V. Briggs (hereinafter “Briggs”) and Norma Santiago (hereinafter “Santiago”) filed a Petition for Writ of Mandate seeking additional compensation to which they claim they were entitled while they served as County Supervisors. That additional compensation took the form of a 4.6% Management Leave In-Lieu Pay; a 3.5%cost of living increase; and a 5%Cost of Living/Equity Adjustment. (Petition for Writ of Mandate p.12/Lines 23-26.) The County opposed the Petition for Writ of Mandate.
As the litigation proceeded, the Petitioners added claims for additional compensation in the form additional base pay in the amount of $27,812.67 for Briggs and $32,353.83 for Santiago. Petitioners also claimed a right to an additional $19,545.83 in salary increases based on the average 6.6% “average salary increase” given over the years 2011 through 2014 to three elected officials.
On July 28, 2016 the Honorable Charles D. Wachob, Judge of the Placer County...
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