Chief Administrative Office recommends adoption of an interdepartmental 12-month economic development action plan. On May 4, 2009 Board of Supervisors began a workshop to review the interaction between the General Plan and Economic Development. Taking into consideration the May 4, 2009 discussion, an overarching goal of “creating prosperous and sustainable communities while maintaining our quality of life” would help describe the mission of Economic Development. (Cont'd 5/4/09, Item 1)
Discussion items:
- El Dorado County Economic Development Collaboration:
- Development Services Role in Economic Development
- Transportation Infrastructure as a component of Economic Development
- Economic Development Block Grant and Workforce Development
- El Dorado County Economic Development Overview
The following elements are the key components of the interdepartmental 12 month action plan:
Regulatory Reform
1. Continue to improve the processing of permits in a timely fashion.
2. Complete G.P. zoning ordinance update, Permit Center, Code Enforcement.
3. Identify alternative resources to accelerate zoning ordinance update.
4. Explore consolidated Fee Schedule to cover costs of services.
5. Work with EDAC and community stakeholder groups to identify specific General Plan policy barriers to sustainable economic development.
Transportation Infrastructure
1. Explore ways to increase revenues or decrease project costs:
a. Examples are: Sales tax, Parcel tax, Mello-Roos tax
b. Special District Assessment (MC & FP’s or BID’s)
c. Additional State/Federal grants or loan programs
2. Explore project funding shift to facilitate economic development.
a. Alternatives for several projects that currently have large price tags (e.g. U.S. 50/Cameron Park Drive and U.S. 50/Silva valley Interchanges)
3. Align major economic development opportunities with the 20 year CIP
Economic Development Tools
1. Use Experience El Dorado to support a Brand and Marketing Campaign.
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