Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Accept a grant application award in the amount of $2,000 from the El Dorado Community Foundation, Friends of Seniors fund; and
2) Authorize use of the grant award for the printing of a Senior Community Resource Directory.
FUNDING: Grant from El Dorado Community Foundation - Friends of Seniors Fund.
Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommends the Board of Supervisors accept this grant funding and authorize the subsequent purchase of a Senior Community Resource Directory.
The United States Census Bureau notes that in 2013, El Dorado County’s senior population (defined as persons 65 years old and over) was 17.2% compared to a statewide average of 12.5%. HHSA’s Community Services Division offers a variety of senior programs and services, as well as an Information and Assistance telephone number. However, in addition to the services offered by HHSA, a need exists for a senior community services resource directory to provide information regarding additional resources for seniors in the community. The El Dorado Community Foundation - Friends of Seniors Fund, has offered to provide grant funding to cover the cost of high quality printing of a Senior Community Resource Directory. This directory will be available not only as a resource for County employees, but also will be posted on the County website and will be available for distribution at various locations frequented by the senior population.
Many of HHSA’s Community Services Division programs are funded in part with General Fund dollars. Therefore, HHSA continues to seek alternative funding, such as this grant funding, to assist with meeting specific needs within the Division.
Disapproval of this grant funding will result in an inability for HHSA to print a Senior Community Resource Directory.
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