Chief Administrative Officer recommending the Final Draft Response to the 2006-2007 Grand Jury Mid-Session Report and requesting authorization to submit said Final Response to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court and direction for the publication and distribution of same.
Reasons for Recommendation:
On November 7, 2006, the Board received and filed the Initial Draft Response to the 2006-2007 Grand Jury Mid-Session Report dated September 13, 2006.
At this time, I recommend that the board adopt the attached draft as its Final Response and authorize submittal to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court. The Final Response must be received by the judge no later than January 3, 2007.
County Policy A-11, "Responding to Grand Jury Reports", requires the CAO to maintain copies of the response for public viewing, and to distribute copies to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, the current Grand Jury, all affected departments, and all branches of the county library. In addition, Policy B-10 requires that the response be published in a tabloid format in newspapers with major circulations within the county. When the County's Final Response to the Grand Jury's Final Report is adopted, all reports and responses for the 2006-07 Fiscal Year will be published in tabloid format.
The CAO has transmitted a copy of the Final Draft to the issuing Grand Jury Foreman and the current Grand Jury Foreman along with notification as to the date and time that the Final Draft would go to the Board. A copy of the transmittal letter is attached.
A proposed letter of submittal from the Board Chair to the Supervising Judge of the Superior Court is attached for the Chair's signature.
Action to be Taken Following Approval:
The Chief Administrative Office will:
1) Submit the Final Response to the Supervising Judge; and
2) Publicize and distribute the Final Response in accordance with county Policies A-11 and B-10.