HEARING - Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, recommending the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to approve General Plan Amendment GPA18-0001 to adopt Policy TC-Xc to the Transportation and Circulation Element of the General Plan that would duplicate current Policy TC-Xa 3. Policy TC-Xa 3 is a 2008 voter adopted Measure Y Policy that requires new development to fully pay for road capacity improvements and is scheduled to sunset on December 31, 2018. New Policy TC-Xc would replace it as a Board of Supervisors adopted General Plan Policy, but without any sunset date.
Request to consider General Plan Amendment GPA18-0001 submitted by El Dorado County to adopt Policy TC-Xc to the Transportation and Circulation Element of the General Plan that would duplicate current Policy TC-Xa 3. Policy TC-Xa 3 is a 2008 voter-adopted Measure Y Policy that requires new development to fully pay for road capacity improvements and is scheduled to sunset on December 31, 2018. New Policy TC-Xc would replace it as a Board of Supervisors adopted General Plan Policy, but without any sunset date.
Measure Y was adopted by the voters in November 1998 and added five polices to the Transportation and Circulation Element of the General Plan. Measure Y was to be in effect for 10 years then given to the voters to consider re-adoption for another 10 years.
A revised Measure Y was adopted by the voters in 2008. The Measure Y Policies were labeled: TC-Xa 1, TC-Xa 2 and TC-Xa 3. They all had a sunset date of December 31, 2018.
Measure E, adopted by the voters in June 2016, amended the Measure Y Policies, but was subject to litigation. The Court decided on September 1, 2017, that some portions of Measure E were unconstitutional. The Board adopted Resolution 159-2017 (Exhibit A) on October 24, 2017, to implement the Court decision. A more detailed background is in Exhibit B “Measure Y Bac...
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