Treasurer Tax-Collector recommending the Board support reinstatement of the Senior Citizens and Disabled Citizens Property Tax Postponement program and execute a letter of affirmation supporting AB 2231.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
On February 20, 2009, the state of California prohibited the acceptance of applications for the Senior Citizens and Disabled Citizens Property Tax Postponement Program, and suspended the program. The law provided claimants, meeting certain qualifications, to file a claim with the Controller to postpone the payment of ad valorem property taxes if income did not exceed specified amounts. The law authorized the Controller, upon approval of the claim, to make payment directly to the entities, or to issue the claimant a certificate of eligibility that constituted a written promise of the state to pay the amount specified on the certificate.
AB 2231 removes the prohibition against filing claims for postponement effective July 1, 2015, with certain modifications, and repeals these provisions on January 1, 2016.
The Treasurer Tax-Collector is requesting the Board of Supervisors support the adoption of AB 2231 and execute a letter of support for presentation to the Appropriations Committee.
Reason for Recommendation
The program provides an opportunity for certain senior citizens and disabled citizens to postpone property tax payments and alleviate hardship.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
1) Chairman of the Board to sign letter of support.
2) Clerk of the Board to provide the signed letter to the Treasurer/Tax Collector for mailing.
C. L. Raffety, CPA