Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the following:
(1) Award Bid 07-630-094 for the purchase of waterborne traffic line paint for the Department of Transportation to the low qualified bidder, Pervo Paint of Los Angeles, CA;
(2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a blanket purchase order in the amount of $137,500 for a two (2) year period following Board approval; and
(3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the blanket purchase order on an "as needed" basis during the awarded period if funding is available within the requesting department's budget.
FUNDING: Road Fund
REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Department of Transportation, the Procurement and Contracts Division issued an Invitation to Bid for waterborne traffic line paint. The Department of Transportation uses the waterborne traffic line paint to maintain County roads.
Eleven (11) Invitations to Bid were mailed, one (1) to a local vendor; two (2) qualified responses were received, none from local vendors. Attached is a spreadsheet for your review.
FISCAL IMPACT/CHANGE TO NET COUNTY COST: Procurement & Contracts has been advised that funding is available within the Department of Transportation's Road Fund Budget.
The request to issue the blanket purchase order in the amount of $137,500.00 reflects budget available for the current fiscal year.
ACTION TO BE TAKEN FOLLOWING APPROVAL: Following Board approval, the Procurement and Contracts division will issue a blanket purchase order in the amount of $137,500.00 to Pervo Paint of Los Angeles, CA
Contact: Bonnie H. Rich, Purchasing Agent, X5940
Concurrences: Not Applicable