Department of Transportation recommending the following as related to the US 50/ El Dorado Hills Boulevard Interchange Improvements - Phase 2B Project, Capital Improvement Program number 71323/36104001:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Cooperative Agreement 03-0771 between the California Department of Transportation and the County of El Dorado, defining the roles, responsibilities, and funding contributions of each agency related to the Project Approval and Environmental Document, Plans, Specifications, and Estimate, Right of Way, and Construction phases of the project; and
2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 071-2022 to authorize the Chair to execute and confirm the Cooperative Agreement 03-0771.
FUNDING: Traffic Impact Fee - Zone C Funds (100%). (Local funds)
The US 50/ El Dorado Hills Boulevard Interchange Improvements - Phase 2B Project (Project) will construct the remaining ultimate improvements to the eastbound on- and off-ramps at the El Dorado Hills Boulevard/ Latrobe Road interchange. Improvements include the reconstruction of the eastbound diagonal on-ramp, eastbound on-ramp auxiliary lane, and the eastbound loop off-ramp.
The Department of Transportation must enter into an agreement to set forth the obligations and responsibilities for the Project components as part of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) agreement process. Cooperative Agreement 03-0771 defines the roles, responsibilities, and funding contributions of each agency related to the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED), Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E), Right of Way (ROW), and Construction (CON) phases. Caltrans signed and approved the Project Study Report/Project Report (PSR/PR) on June 9, 2000. The County adopted the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on May 11, 2000, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and re-adopted the EIR on July 22, 2003. The Federal Highway...
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