Department of Human Services recommending the Board approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Amendment I to Agreement for Services 933-S0811 with DN Associates, a group home, for the provision of emergency shelter care and/or foster care placement services on an “as-requested” basis. Amendment I increases the maximum annual compensation for this perpetual agreement from $100,000 to $250,000 for FY 2010-11 and subsequent fiscal years and allows placement by the Human Services Department and the Probation Department.
FUNDING: Federal and State Social Services Allocation with required County Share of Cost met primarily with realignment resources.
Total Annual NTE $250,000 maximum annual compensation
Contract History
Original Agmnt $100,000 maximum annual compensation
Amendment I $150,000 (Increase in dollar amount)
Savings $
Other $
Total Amended Agmnt $250,000 maximum annual compensation
Change To Net County Cost N/A
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change. Emergency shelter care services, which are necessary pending Court-ordered case disposition, require a 15% to 30% County share of cost. Court-ordered foster care placement services require a 40% to 60% County share of cost. The State reimburses the County for the Federal and State share of cost in a varying ratio based on an array of circumstances. A total of $5,976,979 is included in the Department’s budget for provision of emergency shelter care and foster care services during FY 2010-11. Funds for these services are budgeted annually based on projected need. The not-to-exceed annual compensation of $250,000 allows for anticipated potential usage.
Compensation: Compensation is based upon the non-negotiable State-assigned authorized rate of the group home/foster family agency providing services to the child placed at the facility. Payments to service provider are made monthly...
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