Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the Board declare one (1) 2001 Dodge Ram, serial number 1B7HF16Y21S676931 (County Tag No. 514855), as surplus and authorize disposal of same in accordance with the procedures outlined in the County's Purchasing Ordinance, Chapter 3.12 and Section 3.12.220 thereof.
Fiscal Impact
The insurance company for Five Star Automotive (EMC Insurance) has offered to pay a claim to the County of $7,521.32 for the loss of one (1) 2001 Dodge Ram, serial #1B7HF16Y21S676931 (County Tag #514855), to be deposited into the Accident Fund Account within the Department of Transportation's Office.
Reason for Recommendation
This vehicle was stolen from the parking lot of Five Star Automotive while it was there for repairs; the theft occurred approximately on November 1, 2012 and the vehicle was recovered on November 2, 2012 as a total loss. The Department of Transportation - Fleet Division feels that the amount being paid to the County by EMC Insurance is a fair and reasonable offer for an eleven year old vehicle that has over 112,634 miles on the odometer.
Action to be taken following approval
The Purchasing Agent release the title of the vehicle to EMC Insurance Company in exchange for the claim amount of $7,521.32 for the loss of one (1) 2001 Dodge Ram, serial #1B7HF16Y21S676931 (County Tag #514855).