Department of Transportation recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Utility Agreement No. 235-C1399 (03-UT-2550.5L) with El Dorado Irrigation District in the estimated amount of $230,518 for the relocation of facilities for the U.S. 50/Silva Valley Parkway Interchange - Phase 1 Project.
FUNDING: El Dorado Hills Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees - Silva Valley Interchange Set Aside Fund.
Total Estimated Cost…………… $230,518
Budgeted………………………… $230,518
New Funding…………………….
Total Funding Available………… $230,518
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
The total construction cost associated with the proposed El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) relocation work is estimated at $484,885. The County is responsible for 47.5% of the actual EID utility relocation cost, and the County share is estimated to be $230,518. Funding for this work will come from the El Dorado Hills Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees - Silva Valley Interchange Set Aside Fund.
On June 28, 2011, the Board certified a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and authorized the ordering of title reports, certified appraisals, and the commencement of the acquisition process for the U.S. 50/Silva Valley Parkway Interchange - Phase 1 Project (Project). Subsequently, the Department of Transportation (Department) is working towards finalizing PS&E and acquiring Right of Way for the Project.
One element of the Right of Way activity is the relocation of existing utilities in conflict with the construction of the Project. EID has significant existing utilities which require relocation prior to the construction of the interchange. The Department, EID and Caltrans have evaluated these conflicts and a relocation design has been prepared. The cost to relocate the facilities is based upon the existing land rights of the individual utilities. In instances where EID has existin...
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