PRESENTATION of Proclamations honoring Luella Bousquet and Robert "Bob" Hancock, dedicated individuals who have provided volunteer services at the Senior Day Care Center for many years.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: N/A
Reason for Recommendation:
The El Dorado County Senior Day Care Center has been in operation since 1989, providing greatly needed services to members and their caregivers. The dedication and assistance of many individuals who volunteer their time and energies help the Center offer a pleasant and enriching environment for its members. Ms. Bousquet has been a volunteer at the Center in various capacities since its inception and is the first volunteer to provide twenty years of service. Mr. Hancock has served as a performing musician for the listening enjoyment of members for more than ten years.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
Board Clerk to provide Human Services at Briw Road with a copy of the signed Proclamations presented to Ms. Luella Bousquet and Mr. Robert "Bob" Hancock during the Board meeting.
Contact: Janet Walker-Conroy, Acting Director, 642-7272
Concurrences: N/A