Sheriff's Office recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment I to Agreement 042-S1611 (#84) with Michael C. Berry, M.D., amending the Scope of Services, increasing the not to exceed amount to $523,000, and updating the Notice to Parties and Contract Administrator, to provide selected pathology and related services in Placerville and South Lake Tahoe for the Sheriff's Coroner Division; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement #2402 with Michael C. Berry, M.D., terminating and replacing Agreement 042-S1611, in an amount not to exceed $985,000 for the term effective May 1, 2018 through July 31, 2021 to provide selected pathology and related services in Placerville and South Lake Tahoe for the Sheriff's Coroner Division.
FUNDING: Sheriff's Office Budget - General Fund.
Sheriff's Office recommends the signing of this Amendment I and Agreement to allow Dr. Michael C. Berry to continue to provide pathology and related services.
Dr. Michael C. Berry has been providing pathology services to the Sheriff's Office since September 2010. Dr. Berry's rates, in comparison to other providers of similar services, are the most cost effective in the surrounding market. This is important since, the Sheriff's Office has historically had a high volume of pathology service needs, and Dr. Berry has been an affordable and efficient provider.
On July 21, 2015, the Board approved Agreement 042-S1611 for a not to exceed amount of $423,000. At the time of approval, this amount appeared to be sufficient as the Sheriff’s Office looked at actual dollars spent with Dr. Berry from the previous three years.
However, due to an increase in autopsies performed by Dr. Berry throughout this contract term, the not to exceed amount we orginally setup for Agreement 042-S1611 is not enough money to cover the outstanding invoices through April of 2018, therefore we are requesting to Amend ...
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