Hearing to consider request to allow the construction of a one-story, 14,904 square foot concrete building to be utilized as an automobile body shop [Planned Development PD13-0005/El Dorado Hills Body Shop]* on property identified by Assessor's Parcel Number 121-280-22, consisting of 1.91 acres, in the Town Center East area of El Dorado Hills, submitted by Finkelstein Rental Properties (Agent: James O'Brien); and staff recommending the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1) Adopt the Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff; and
2) Approve Planned Development PD13-0005, based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval.
(Supervisorial District 1)
Request to consider Planned Development PD13-0005/El Dorado Hills Body Shop submitted by FINKELSTEIN RENTAL PROPERTIES (Agent: James O'Brien, Sisler and Sisler Construction, Inc.) to allow the construction of a one-story, 14,904 square foot concrete building to be utilized as an automobile body shop. The property, identified by Assessor's Parcel Number 121-280-22, consisting of 1.91 acres, is located on the west side of Rossmore Lane approximately 325 feet northeast of the intersection with Vine Street, in the Town Center East area of El Dorado Hills, Supervisorial District 1. [Project Planner: Tom Dougherty] (Negative declaration prepared)*
A Staff Report is attached.
Tom Dougherty
Development Services Division-Planning
Community Development Agency