P23-0006 Hackomiller Parcel Map Assessor’s Parcel Number: 088-021-040-000
Planning Request and Project Description:
The applicant is requesting a tentative parcel map to subdivide an approximately 170-acre parcel into three parcels. Two of the proposed parcels would be 40 acres, and the third parcel would be 90 acres.
Planning Division is requesting a determination from the Agricultural Commission on whether the proposed project, P23-0006 (APN 088-021-040-000), is consistent and compliant with Chapter 8, Agriculture and Forestry Element, in the County General Plan. The properties are in Supervisor District 4 and all of the aforementioned parcels are located in an Agricultural District.
Relevant Policies:
General Plan Policy -On any parcel 10 acres or larger identified as having an existing or potential agricultural use, the Agricultural Commission must consider and provide a recommendation on the agricultural use (except for parcels assigned urban or other non-agricultural uses by the land use map for the 1996 General Plan) or potential of that parcel and whether the request will diminish or impair the existing or potential use prior to any discretionary permit being approved.
General Plan Policy - Some lands within Rural Regions have historically been used for commercial grazing of livestock and are currently capable of sustaining commercial grazing of livestock. If they can be demonstrated to be suitable land for grazing, and they were not assigned urban or other nonagricultural uses in the Land Use Map for the 1996 General Plan, those lands shall be protected with a minimum of 40 acres unless such lands already have smaller parcels or the Board of Supervisors determines that economic, social, or other considerations justify the creation of smaller parcels for development or other nonagricultural uses. Where 40-acre minimum parcel sizes are maintained, planned developments may be considered which are con...
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