Environmental Management Department recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Public Works Contract 014-PW-09/10-BOS for the development of a landfill gas utilization project at the Union Mine Landfill to STI Engineering of Silverado, California.
FUNDING: No County funding will be required to permit, obtain, install and operate the landfill gas to electricity system. This is a revenue generating project.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No Change in Net County Cost
Background: At the request of the Environmental Management Department, the Procurement and Contracts Division issued a Request for Proposals (Attachment A) for landfill gas to energy services during the summer of 2009. These services will enhance the conversion of unused methane into electrical energy and fuel at the Union Mine landfill. Some of the electricity will be used onsite. Excess electricity will be sold and the County will receive royalties from the sale of excess electricity. The liquid hydrocarbon/petroleum fuel will also be sold and the County will also receive royalties from the sale. The savings realized by the use of generated electricity on site and the royalties will offset the costs associated with operating the landfill and waste water treatment plant.
Two (2) proposal responses were received; none from local vendors. Responses were received from the following firms:
Janecheck & Associates - Costa Mesa, CA
STI Engineering - Silverado, CA
Proposal responses were evaluated by a team of personnel from the Environmental Management Department. The evaluation criteria consisted of proposal content and presentation; compliance with administrative requirements; experience, qualifications, and work plan; and total cost. Environmental Management personnel solicited and received input from knowledgeable State Water Resources Control Board personnel, landfill operators, the Local Enforcement Agent, and members of the El Dorado Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Al...
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