Information Technologies Department recommending the Board:
1) Authorize the continued use of competitively bid Agreement 23-6692-03 between Insight Public Sector, Inc. and Cobb County, Georgia, as the lead agency, for Adobe Sign Licenses; and
2) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order (PO) modification to PO 24000154 to reseller Insight Public Sector, Inc., under Agreement 23-66292-03 between Insight Public Sector, Inc. and Cobb County, to increase the amount of the PO by $42,971.38 to a total of $149,018.05, for the transactional increase for Adobe Sign Licenses over years two and three of the three-year term.
FUNDING: General Fund, with partial cost recovery in future years through the Countywide Cost Allocation Plan.
Adobe Sign is a cloud-based e-signature service that allows users to send, sign, track, and manage signature processes. These licenses have allowed the County access to a secure electronic signature platform since implementation in September 2020.
In August 2023, IT requested Board approval for the continued use of Adobe Sign for the period of September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2026, under the use of competitively bid Agreement 23-6692-03 between Insight Public Sector, Inc. and Cobb County Georgia, as the lead agency, in the amount $106,046.67. This purchase order (Attachment A) allowed for 15,000 transactions on the Countywide Adobe Sign account each year.
As County use of Adobe Sign continues to increase, it is now necessary to increase the transactional volume for years two and three of the three-year term to accommodate the anticipated usage. Insight Public Sector (IPS) Quote 227939459 (Attachment B), dated November 12, 2024, increases the transactional volume for year two of our Adobe Sign agreement to 25,000 transactions per year and increases the transactional volume for year three to 30,000 transactions per year. Based on current and projected volumes for Coun...
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