Community Development Services, Environmental Management Department, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Accept a payment program award funded through the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, from the State of California, Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, Beverage Container Recycling City/County Payment Program, Fiscal Year 2017-18, in the amount of $38,451, for the term, upon award and acceptance of funds, through June 29, 2020; and
2) Delegate authority to the Environmental Management Department Director, or designee, to execute all payment program related documents, including, but not limited to, all reports and associated documents necessary to secure and expend the funds for the purpose of implementing the Beverage Container Recycling City/County Payment Program if the documents do not affect the amount or term.
FUNDING: Non-General Fund / State of California, Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, Beverage Container Recycling City/County Payment Program, Fiscal Year 2017-18 funds.
Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 14581(a)(3)(A) of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, the State of California, as administered by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), distributes $10,500,000 to eligible cities and counties specifically for implementing programs for beverage container recycling and litter cleanup activities. The goal of this program is to provide opportunities for beverage container recycling in an effort to reach and maintain an 80% recycling rate for all California refund value beverage containers such as aluminum, glass, plastic, and bi-metal.
Each county is eligible to receive $10,000, or an amount calculated by CalRecycle on a per capita basis, whichever is greater. The per capita calculation is based upon the population as of January 1, 2017, in the unincorporated area of a county. Us...
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