Human Resources Department recommending the Board:
1) Find in accordance with County Ordinance 3.13.030 that it is appropriate to contract with Clearstar (previously ESR) for pre-employment background checks, provided under Agreement 4665 because (B) “Specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in classifications are involved in the performance of the work;” and
2) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign and execute Amendment III to Agreement 4665 with Clearstar (previously ESR) for pre-employment background checks to increase the total not-to-exceed by $100,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $150,000 and extend the term by two years from April 6, 2022, to April 6, 2024.
FUNDING: General Fund.
In accordance with Board Policy Number C-17, departments are required to obtain authorization from the Board of Supervisors to utilize any contract for services that exceed Purchasing Agent authority. The Human Resources Department is requesting the Board approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign and execute Amendment III with Clearstar (previously ESR) for pre-employment background checks to increase the total not-to-exceed by $100,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $150,000 and extend the term to April 6, 2024. Amendment III also updates the pricing table, increasing the prices of some background check packages up to 15%.
Clearstar performs pre-employment background checks during the recruitment process. Utilizing Clearstar enables the County to provide timely reporting of background information in a manner consistent with generally accepted standards of business practices. Clearstar's expertise allows the County to collect the relevant information from all the necessary sources while adhering to the numerous federal and state laws.
The Board could choose not to approve the amendment and Human Resources could use another vendor.
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