Chief Administrative Officer providing recommendations pertaining to the expedient replacement of a member of the Board of Supervisors when a vacancy occurs and if appropriate, provide the Board with proposed Charter amendments for placement on the 2008 ballot.
Total Estimated Cost $0
Budgeted $
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: None. Pursuant to Section 701 of the County Charter, the Board of Supervisors convened a Charter Review Committee in 2003. There was no budget for the Committee and any costs were borne by affected departments.
Reason for Recommendation:
On December 5, 2006 (Item #66), the Board of Supervisors adopted the Final Draft Response to the 2006-2007 Grand Jury Mid-Session Report. The response indicated that the Chief Administrative Officer would return to the Board within three months of adoption of a final response with information regarding the filing deadline to place measures on the June 2008 ballot, and recommendations on the budget and composition of the Charter Review Committee. Since that time, the State is considering moving its presidential primary to February 2008, which would allow for a charter amendment to be considered at that time.
Charter Amendments
Section 102 of the County Charter requires that an amendment to an existing charter or the repeal of an existing charter may either be proposed by the Board of Supervisors or by a petition signed by at least 10% of the electors who voted at the last gubernatorial election. The amendment or repeal is placed before the voters at the next general or special Countywide election.
Section 701 of the County Charter requires the Board to convene a Charter Review Committee within two (2) years of the effective date of the charter and within five years of the last ...
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