Human Services Department requesting conceptual approval to submit a Home Investment Partnerships Program Grant application to the California Department of Housing and Community Development in an amount to be determined, noting eligible activities include affordable housing projects (grant amounts of up to $4,000,000) and affordable housing programs (grant amounts of up to $800,000).
FUNDING: Federal HOME Grant Funds.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no cost associated with the application process, other than staff time to complete the grant application. No County match is required for this application.
Since 1998 the County has received two HOME Investment Partnerships grants to develop affordable housing projects in the unincorporated area of the County. Diamond Sunrise II, completed in 2002, is located in Diamond Springs and provides eleven (11) units of affordable Senior Housing. The White Rock Village Apartments project, located in El Dorado Hills, was completed in 2005 and provides 168 units of affordable workforce housing.
In addition to projects funded by the HOME Program, the County administers Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation and First-Time Homebuyer Loan Programs which were initially funded in 2004 and 2009 respectively. Under the initial Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation grant, approved by Board of Supervisors Resolution #329-2004, loans were provided to eight (8) households to make health and safety repairs to their homes. Human Services is currently administering a new HOME First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program, approved by Board of Supervisors Resolution #215-2008, which is expected to provide loans of up to $80,000 toward the purchase of a home in the unincorporated area of the County for approximately eight (8) households. The County currently maintains wait lists for both Programs that include one hundred and eighty-eight (188) households eligible for the First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program and twenty-fiv...
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