Agriculture Department recommending the Board:
1) Pursuant to Board of Supervisors Policy A-3, conceptually approve and authorize the Department to prepare amendments to Ordinance No. 5109, Commercial Cannabis, to establish commercial cannabis as a compatible use on Williamson Act properties; and
2) Prepare an amendment to Williamson Act Resolution No. 188-2002 for the above changes to Williamson Act contracted properties in the County.
The California Land Conservation Act of 1965, also known as the Williamson Act, was created to reduce increasing property taxes on agricultural land. When the Act was adopted, rising property taxes were making it difficult for farmers and ranchers to stay on their land. Under the Williamson Act, the owner of agricultural land may enter into a contract with the County if the landowner agrees to restrict the use of the land to the production of commercial crops or the raising and grazing of livestock for a term of not less than 10 years. The term of the contract is automatically extended each year unless the landowner or the County serves a notice of nonrenewal. The law also requires the County to establish an agricultural preserve and base the property tax assessment with the assumption that the highest and best use of the land is for agricultural or open space purposes. This often results in a lower property tax assessment than similar lands that have no Williamson Act contract.
All lands subject to a Williamson Act or Farmland Security Contract have certain restrictions that do not normally apply to other agricultural zone districts in the County. Specifically, development on contracted land is limited to the uses set out in the contract and what is known as compatible use. The purpose of Agricultural Preserves are to implement the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, and to encourage the sustainable use of farmland in the County for agricultural production.
The Williamson Act gener...
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