Hearing to consider Williamson Act Contracts WAC06-0012 and WAC06-0013 submitted by EDWARD AKIN to reduce the acreage in existing Agricultural Preserve No. 1 from 323.79 to 118.21 acres and establish a new separate agricultural preserve consisting of the remaining 200.13 acres on properties identified as APNs 089-120-31 and -32, 317-030-01, -06, -09 and -14 located in the Gold Hill area; and adoption of Resolution 026-2007 modifying Agricultural Preserve No. 1 and Resolution 027-2007 establishing Agricultural Preserve No. 309.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission recommends the Board take the following action: 1. Find the projects categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15317 of the CEQA Guidelines; and 2. Approve WAC06-0012/WAC06-0013 reducing the acreage in existing Agricultural Preserve #1 from 323.79 to 118.121 and establishing a new separate agricultural preserve consisting of 200.13 acres, based on the findings listed on Attachment 1.
Background: These applications were on the Planning Commission Hearing Consent Calendar January 11, 2007. There was no one wishing to give input. The Commission unanimously recommended approval.
Contact: Gregory L. Fuz (5445)/Lawrence W. Appel (7698)/Tom Dougherty (5875)