Transportation Department recommending the Board authorize the Chairman to sign Notice of Completion with AC General Engineering, Inc. for the Fairchild Village Drainage Inlets Project (JN 33404) on Fairchild Drive in the El Dorado Hills Area.
FUNDING: Road Fund, no associated fiscal impact.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Contract for the Fairchild Village Drainage Inlets Project (Project) was executed by the Director of Transportation on November 26, 2008. The Project was substantially completed on January 20, 2009.
The work completed is described as follows: installation of new drainage inlets, placement of plastic pipe in existing roadway, replacement of minor concrete features and roadway sections, and maintaining traffic control.
The Board action recommended above will start legal time frames for guarantees, a lien period, and return of retention monies. AC General Engineering, Inc. acceptance of the final Contract cost is attached and summarized below:
Original Bid Price $44,420.00
Construction Contract Item Cost $45,996.50
Contract Change Orders $ 0.00
Final Cost of Construction Contract $45,996.50
The $1,576.50 difference between Construction Contract Item Cost and Original Bid Price is the underestimated amount of Contract Item 7, Plastic Pipe (12" diameter), when 21 Linear Feet (LF) was required for the project instead of the 16 LF shown in the Bid Price. This payment was made by the standard practice of extending the Contract Item Unit (maximum of 25%) and therefore did not require the execution of a Contract Change Order.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1) The Chairman will sign the Notice of Completion.
2) The Board Clerk will send the Notice of Completion to the Recorder/Clerk's Office for recordation and forward a copy of the recorded Notice of Completion to the Department.
James W. Ware, P.E.
Interim Director of Transportation