Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 107-2022 accepting the exchange of property tax increments for the annexation of one parcel (APN 105-190-042-100) into the El Dorado Fire Protection District service area, Local Agency Formation Commission Project 2022-01.
FUNDING: General Fund.
The Jomescbo Annexation to the El Dorado County Fire Protection District, LAFCO Project No. 2022-01, will annex one vacant 54.92-acre parcel (APN 105-190-042-100) into the El Dorado County Fire District service area. The annexation triggers the requirement under the law to redistribute property tax increments applicable to the property being annexed.
In accordance with Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 99 and 99.01, negotiations have been completed regarding the redistribution of the property tax increments applicable to this parcel. The recommended distribution reflects the following adjustments:
- A decrease in the increment provided to the El Dorado Irrigation District from 8.2814% to 2.6667%
- A decrease in the increment provided to the County General Fund from 37.0829% to 35.2368%
- A decrease in the increment provided to the County Capital Outlay Fund from 0.7691% to 0.7308%
- A decrease in the increment provided to the Road District Tax from 3.7212% to 3.5360%
- A decrease in increment provided to the County Water Agency from 1.2142% to 1.1538%
- A decrease in increment provided to CSA 7 from 2.498% to 2.3736%
- An increase in increment provided to El Dorado County Fire by 7.8691%.
There is no impact to the school agencies. Other details of the proposed exchange of tax increment are included in Exhibit A to the Resolution.
Pursuant to the application filed with LAFCO, the purpose of the annexation is to bring the subject parcel into the fire protection district. The owner of the parcel intends to subdivide the parcel into four lots and to build a single-family home on eac...
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