Supervisor Novasel recommending the Board approve an extension of Building Permit 150498 for Assessor's Parcel Number 033-693-07, located at 1952 Apalachee Drive, South Lake Tahoe, pursuant to County Ordinance Section 15.16.020.
County Ordinance Section 15.16.020 specifies that a building permit shall become null and void if the buidling or work is not completed with a final inspection approval within two years from the date of issuance. However, due to circumstances beyond the control of Mr. Michael Kabour (permitee) relating to the serious illnesses of both his sister and his wife, to which he is attending to as caregiver and financial provider, and was not able to focus resources on completing the construction of his South Lake Tahoe home where he plans to reside.
This project has received previous extensions allowed by Board of Supervisors' direction offered all county permitees during economic down times in 2007 and one additional exception. There will be no further extensions recommended by the District V Office.