Elections Department recommending the Board:
1) Ratify the submission of the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) Electronic Absentee Systems for Elections (EASE) grant application on behalf of 13 California counties in the amount of $1,831,665 to provide electronic ballot access for military and overseas citizens; and
2) Authorize the Registrar of Voters to sign allocation/agreement documents related to this grant when received.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: The act of applying for the EASE grant has no fiscal impact on the county. If awarded, the Elections Department's allocation would be $90,442. The county will be awarded an additional 2% of the total grant award for administrative costs.
Background: The purpose of the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act is to help military serving overseas and citizens abroad vote in U.S. elections. The Act provides for electronic delivery of ballots to overseas citizen voters upon their request. The Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) announced the availability of $16.2 million in competitive grant funds for the Electronic Absentee Systems for Elections (EASE). The goal of the EASE program is electronic transmission of ballots to military and overseas citizen voters. The FVAP's criteria states applications demonstrating collaboration among multiple jurisdictions will be viewed favorably.
The Elections Department's EASE grant application was submitted on behalf of a coalition of 13 California counties, known as Cal E-Promise, that selected Democracy Live as a vendor for acquisition and implementation of a web-based voter services and electronic ballot delivery system to ensure full compliance with the MOVE Act. El Dorado County Elections Department was approached to serve as the lead county for the grant submission. If awarded, the Department will receive $90,442 and disburse the remaining funds to the 12 participating counties. The grant proposal incl...
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