Hearing to consider adoption of Resolution amending the 2004 General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program and Revised TIM Fee Rates.
Resolution 114-2009
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no Fiscal Impact associated with this agenda item. There is no Net County Cost.
Adoption of the Resolution will allow the Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program to continue to maintain fees, providing necessary funding for Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects as set forth in Resolution No. 266-2006 and as amended by Resolution No. 205-2008.
On August 22, 2006, the Board approved Resolution No. 266-2006 adopting the 2004 General Plan TIM Fee Program pursuant to a comprehensive review. The Board also adopted Resolution No. 265-2006, which certified the TIM Fee Program Supplement to the 2004 General Plan Environmental Impact Report, issued a Supplemental Statement of Overriding Considerations, and made Supplemental Findings of Fact.
Resolution 266-2006 requires the annual review of the TIM Fee Program and directs the Department of Transportation (Department) to return to the Board with a recommendation to adjust the TIM fees, up or down, based on changes in the cost of construction or other costs. On September 25, 2007, the Board adopted Resolution 243-2007 to adjust the fees based on inflation of construction costs during the proceeding year. The inflation index used in that adjustment was the Caltrans Price Index for Selected California Construction Items. On July 29, 2008, the Board adopted Resolution 205-2008 to:
· Adjust the fees based on inflation of construction costs during the proceeding year;
· Switch the inflation cost index from Caltrans to the Engineering News Record-Building Cost Index; and,
· Shift the index from third quarter (October) to fourth quarter (December).
Reason for Recommendation:
TIM Fee Analysis: The Department has reviewed all the projects contained in the TIM Fee Program and ...
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