Human Resources and the Sheriff's Office recommending the Board:
1) Adopt Resolution 100-2012 approving the job specification and salary range for Sheriff's Support Services Manager; and
2) Adopt Resolution 101-2012 amending the adopted personnel allocation resolution to:
a) Delete one Manager of Public Safety Dispatch;
b) Delete one Sheriff's Technology Manager;
c) Add one Sheriff's Support Services Manager; and
d) Add one Department Systems Analyst.
FUNDING: General Fund.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Approval of this recommendation will result in an overall Salary & Employee Benefit cost increase of approximately $34,000. However, as a result of changes to the shifts in the Dispatch Division that were recently implemented, the Sheriff's Office will be reducing overtime costs by a minimum of approximately $34,000, resulting in no increases to Net County Cost. The Sheriff's Office will work with the Chief Administrative Office to incorporate the fiscal changes during the Budget addenda process.
Reason for Recommendation
Approval of this recommendation will consolidate the management and supervisory responsibilities of the Dispatch, Information Technology and Records Divisions into one position, improving the oversight and establish consistency in administrative support positions in the Sheriff's Office.
Based on a recent staffing study of the Dispatch Division, the Sheriff's Office has identified a number of recommendations that will improve the overall efficiency, reduce overtime and reduce turnover in the Dispatch Division. As a result of the retirement of the Manager of Public Safety Dispatch in in May 2012, the Sheriff's Office can implement these changes without negatively impacting existing staff, and the existing staff structure of Supervising and Senior Public Safety Dispatchers is sufficient to ensure the day to day responsibilities of the Dispatch Division are addressed.
Approximately 3 years ago the Sheriff's Office...
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