Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt Resolution of Vacation Abandonment of Easement No. 2011-02 summarily vacating three 10-foot wide public utilities easements located on Assessor's Parcel Number 110-173-10, 3130 Hopkins Place, El Dorado Hills, as requested by Michael C. Malaney and Sandra L. Malaney, Co-Trustees of The Malaney Family Revocable Trust of 2000, Dated May 9, 2000. Resolution 132-2011
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item.
Public utilities easements, as shown on the Summit Unit No. 1 final map recorded in Book G of Subdivision Maps at Page 91, were irrevocably offered in perpetuity to the County of El Dorado on February 5, 1988 and rejected by the Board of Supervisors on March 1, 1988.
Reason for Recommendation:
An application has been submitted to the Department of Transportation (Department) by Michael C. Malaney and Sandra L. Malaney, Co-Trustees of The Malaney Family Revocable Trust of 2000, Dated May 9, 2000, requesting that the County vacate three 10-foot wide public utilities easements located on the side and rear lot lines of Lot 84, also identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 110-173-10, 3130 Hopkins Place. The subject property is located north of Green Valley Road and west of Francisco Drive, in El Dorado Hills. This request is being made in order to accommodate planned construction of improvements on said parcel.
A T & T, Comcast, El Dorado Irrigation District, and Pacific Gas & Electric have not used said easements for the purpose for which they were dedicated or acquired and find no present or future need exists for said easements and do not object to their vacation, with the provision that an existing 20-foot wide public utilities easement located on the front lot line remains for existing underground facilities.
Department staff has reviewed the request and determined that the public utilities easements have not bee...
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