Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the Sly Park at Clear Creek Bridge Replacement Project, CIP 77115:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes (including Addendum #1) and the Certificates of Acceptance for the related documents from Kurtiss R. Ault and Pamela R. Ault husband and wife as Joint Tenants for Assessor’s Parcel Number 079-030-10;
2) Authorize the Community Development Agency Director, or designee, to execute the escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents pertaining to the transaction, including payment of title and escrow fees; and
3) Authorize the Community Development Agency Director, or designee, to extend the date of closure of escrow upon mutual agreement of both parties if necessary.
FUNDING: Project is funded by Federal Highway Bridge Program (83%), Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees (15%) and Regional Surface Transportation Program Exchange Funds (2%).
Community Development Agency, Transportation Division (Transportation) recommends that the Board sign the Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes for the Sly Park at Clear Creek Bridge Replacement Project (Project), CIP No. 77115. The fee and easements are necessary to facilitate construction of the Project.
The existing bridge was built in 1936 and is now sub-standard in its design with current road usage. Recent inspections indicate scour problems with bridge’s footings and abutments. Due to functional obsolescence, rehabilitation of the existing bridge is infeasible. The Project will replace the existing bridge on Sly Park Road at Clear Creek, realign and widen approximately 965 feet of Sly Park Road to accommodate a two-way left-turn lane to improve safety for vehicles turning onto and off of Clear Creek Road and improve drainage along Sly Park Rd.
The Board of Supervisors approved t...
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