Sheriff's Office and Probation Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to:
1) Sign Amendment I to Agreement 4097 with KP Research Services Inc., for pre-employment background investigative services to increase compensation to a not-to-exceed amount of $140,000 for a term ending on October 6, 2022;
2) Sign Amendment II to Agreement 3923 with Michael W. Frasier of Frasier Group Investigations for pre-employment background investigative services to increase compensation to a not-to-exceed total of $140,000 for a term ending on May 22, 2022; and
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase or extend the Agreements on an "as-needed" basis as long as funding is available within the requesting departments' budget.
FUNDING: General Fund.
The Sheriff’s Office and the Probation Department have had an agreement with both KP Research and Frasier Group Investigations for the past two years to provide “as-needed” pre-employment background investigative services. The amendments being requested to be approved by the Board will add funding to each respective agreement by $71,000 each. The Sheriff's Office nor Probation had not worked extensively with either KP Research or Frasier Group Investigations therefore the value of the initial contracts that were set up were made for amounts only addressing short term needs. The intent was to the evaluate the services provided and if the backgrounds performed by KP Research and Frasier Group Investigations were acceptable we would come back to the board to add funds.
Conducting backgrounds for potential law enforcement personnel is a very labor intensive process. The Sheriff's Office and Probation conduct extensive reviews on the backgrounds of potential employees to ensure El Dorado County is hiring reliable and trustworthy individuals of integrity and skill.
The Sheriff's Office and Probation contract with two vendors for the same service in order to have flexi...
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