Environmental Management Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign bid documents to purchase and install geosynthetics for the final closure of 13.6 acres at the Union Mine Disposal Site Project 031-PW-06/07-BOS; and said Department be authorized to advertise for bids for said Project.
Total Estimated Cost $
Budgeted $
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $
Change To Net County Cost $
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change in Net County Cost. Project expenses are budgeted in CSA #10 Solid Waste Budget.
Background: T
The closure for the 15.8-acre Class III Old Landfill at the Union Mine Disposal Site specified by the California Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region (CVRWQCB) in new Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R5-2006-0020 must be completed by August 15, 2007. As part of the Final Closure Plan, which was submitted to the CVRWQCB on March 30, 2006, it was identified that 13.6 acres of the 15.8-acre Class III Old Landfill Area will receive final cover in the year 2007. The remaining 2.2 acres are schedule to be closed in the year 2040, the projected closure date of the Class II active disposal area.
Reason for Recommendation:
The final closure for the Class III Old Landfill requires the use of Geosynthetics, specifically a linear low-density polyethylene Geomembrane Liner and Geocomposite Drainage Net.
After approval of bid documents by the Board, Environmental Management will advertise the project for forty-five (45) days and anticipates the bid opening to occur April 26, 2007. Environmental Management plans to return to the Board for award of the bid at it’s May 22, 2007 meeting.
The Final Closure Plan and Postclosure Maintenance plan are on file at the Board Clerks office and can also be viewed at the Environmental Manag...
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