Public Health Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Certification Statements approving the Children's Medical Services Combined Child Health and Disability Prevention/California Children's Services/Foster Care Administrative Budget and Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2006/2007.
FUNDING: General Fund, Social Services Trust Fund, and Annual State Children's Medical Services Allocation
Total Estimated Cost $887,731
Budgeted $887,731
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $887,731
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no change to the current approved County budget. The State's FY 2006/07 CHDP budget allocation is $298,763; the CCS administrative budget allocation is $518,032; and the Foster Care Children budget is $70,536 for a total State CMS allocation of $887,331 for the year. These funds, including the County match, have been incorporated into the County's FY 2006/07adopted budget.
Background: CHDP and CCS are highly utilized, successful programs in which the Public Health Department has participated for many years. One of the services CHDP provides is free child health exams and subsequent follow-ups, should a problem be found. Another component of CHDP is the Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care. This program is a collaborative with Department of Social Services and Probation wherein the healthcare needs of children in foster care are case managed by qualified professionals. The CCS component provides health and other critically needed services for children afflicted with a chronic disease and for their families who have little or no financial means to meet those needs.
Reason for Recommendation: The El Dorado County Public Health Department's CMS Division provides a number of needed children's services to our community. The c...
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