File #: 25-0387    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Denied
File created: 2/18/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/13/2025 Final action: 3/13/2025
Title: Hearing to consider Serrano Village M5 (Tentative Subdivision Map/Rezone/Planned Development TM24-0001/Z24-0001/PD24-0001) request for the following: 1) Subdivision of an existing 8.42-acre lot into 20 residential lots ranging in size from 7,000 square feet to 19,763 square feet, four (4) landscaping lots ranging in size from 435 to 3,485 square feet, and one (1) open space lot of 1.99 acres (86,685 square feet) with multiple phases presented for final map filing; 2) Rezone from Single-Unit Residential, minimum lot size 20,000 square feet (R20K) to Single-Unit Residential, minimum lot size 6,000 square feet within a Planned Development Combining Zone (R1-PD) for 6.43 acres and Open Space (OS) for 1.99 acres; 3) Planned Development to add the -PD overlay to the requested Rezone and establish modified development standards for the Village M5 site; and 4) Design Waivers requested for the following County Design and Improvement Standards Manual (DISM): a) Modification of Standard Plan 101B...
Attachments: 1. A - Staff Report, 2. B - Findings, 3. C - Conditions of Approval, 4. D - Staff Report Exhibits A-U, 5. E - Notification Map PC 03-13-25 (1,000 feet), 6. F - Proof of Publication, 7. Public Comment Rcvd 03-10-25 PC 03-13-25, 8. Public Comment Rcvd 03-11-25 PC 03-13-25 OCR, 9. Public Comment Rcvd 03-12-25 PC 03-13-25 OCR, 10. Public Comment Rcvd 03-13-25 PC 03-13-25, 11. Public Comment Rcvd PC 03-13-25
Hearing to consider Serrano Village M5 (Tentative Subdivision Map/Rezone/Planned Development TM24-0001/Z24-0001/PD24-0001) request for the following:
1) Subdivision of an existing 8.42-acre lot into 20 residential lots ranging in size from 7,000 square feet to 19,763 square feet, four (4) landscaping lots ranging in size from 435 to 3,485 square feet, and one (1) open space lot of 1.99 acres (86,685 square feet) with multiple phases presented for final map filing;
2) Rezone from Single-Unit Residential, minimum lot size 20,000 square feet (R20K) to Single-Unit Residential, minimum lot size 6,000 square feet within a Planned Development Combining Zone (R1-PD) for 6.43 acres and Open Space (OS) for 1.99 acres;
3) Planned Development to add the -PD overlay to the requested Rezone and establish modified development standards for the Village M5 site; and
4) Design Waivers requested for the following County Design and Improvement Standards Manual (DISM):
a) Modification of Standard Plan 101B and 114 for roadway right-of-way and improvement widths (including sidewalks, curbs and turnarounds) as shown on the Tentative Subdivision Map.
b) Modification of the standard road encroachment under Standard Plan 110 to allow for an entry gate and landscaping median.
c) Exceedances of 3:1 lot width to depth ratio for Lots 4, 6, 8, 12, 13, and 15-19 per DISM Volume II, Section 2:A)2).
d) Creation of a flag lot for Lot 1 per DISM Volume II, Section 2:B)7).
The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 123-020-023, consisting of 8.42 acres, is located on the West side of Appian Way, at the intersection with Sangiovese Drive, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by SERRANO ASSOCIATES, LLC; Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1) Find that the project is Statutorily Exempt pursuant to Section 15182 of the CEQA Guidelines; and
2) Approve Tentative Subdivision Map TM24-0001, Rezone Z24-0001, Planned Development Permit PD24-0001, and the re...

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