Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, Fleet Services Unit, recommending the Board:
1) Find the purchase of three (3) replacement vehicles are exempt from competitive bidding in accordance with Purchasing Ordinance 3.12.160, Section D, due to use of State of California competitively-bid Contract 1-22-23-23;
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to utilize the State of California Contract 1-22-23-23 for the acquisition of three (3) fleet replacement vehicles of various categories for the Department of Transportation - Fleet Services Unit; and
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign a purchase order to the awarded State vendor, Freeway Toyota of Hanford, CA. in the amount of $110,598.00 plus applicable delivery, fees and taxes (estimated at $9,394.62) for a one time purchase following Board approval.
FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund.
Three (3) fleet vehicles of various categories have met the County criteria for replacement and have been included on the Fixed Asset list for Fiscal Year 2022-23. The replacement vehicles consist of two all-wheel drive mini vans (one for Mental Health and one for Social Services) and one mid-size SUV for the Sheriff's Department. The function served by each vehicle is critical to the operation of the Department for which it is assigned. Department needs cannot be met through the redistribution of underutilized vehicles. All three (3) vehicles came in under budget.
The County Purchasing Ordinance, Section 3.12.160, describes exceptions that may be made to the competitive bidding process. The purchase of these fixed assets falls under (D) of this section, which requires that the item may be procured from a vendor that has a contract with another public agency; that the contract was awarded utilizing a competitive bidding process substantially the same as the County's; and that the item and terms of the transaction are the same, or substantially the same. For thes...
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