Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board:
1) Approve a contribution of $20,000, from salary savings in the Board's budget, to the El Dorado Community Foundation for the use in the Opportunity Knocks process in decreasing homelessness in El Dorado County by funding a single point of entry for homeless individuals who need services; and
2) Make a determination that providing $20,000 for the use in a single point of entry for homeless individuals provides a public benefit to residents of El Dorado County.
FUNDING: General Fund (100% local).
Approve the use of $20,000 of salary savings in the Board of Supervisors budget to the El Dorado Community Foundation for the use in the Opportunity Knocks process in decreasing homelessness in El Dorado County by funding a single point of entry for homeless individuals who need services. In addition, make a determination that providing $20,000 for the use in a single point of entry for homeless individuals provides a public benefit to residents of El Dorado County.
On October 26, 2016, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors received a presentation on homelessness in the County. During that presentation, the Board gave conceptual approval to give $20,000 to the organization known as Opportunity Knocks. The funding would go to help create a single point of entry for homeless individuals who need services. In addition, the single point of entry would help in the effort to compile data about who in our community is homeless. This data is required by the Federal government for the County to be eligible for some funding (e.g. CDBG, etc.). In addition, data can help the community know what services the homeless population needs by knowing who is homeless.
Over the last three years, what is known as Opportunity Knocks has met to talk about effectively fighting homelessness in El Dorado County. This process started with the different homeless service prov...
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