Chief Administrative Office recommending Chairman be authorized to sign the annual Agreements with the El Dorado County Resource Conservation District and Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation District in the amount of $80,393 each for a term to expire June 30, 2010 to identify responsibilities and establish areas of cooperative effort for all parties regarding erosion and sediment control and watershed management.
FUNDING: General Fund.
Total Estimated Cost $160,786
Budgeted $160,786
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $160,786
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
Funding of $147,435 for the contracts is included in the Proposed FY 2009-10 budget in Department 15 as a General Fund net county cost. This budget number was an estimate only and if the contracts are approved will need to be increased $13,351 during the Addenda process. Savings have been identified to cover this increase.
Before Proposition 13 was enacted, State legislation through Division 9 of the Public Resources Code gave RCD's the option of regular assessments to contribute to the support of the RCD's programs. This assessment was limited to two-cents ($.02) on each hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation of land within the RCD's boundaries. During the 1960's the RCD's were requested by the then Board of Supervisors to relinquish this capability and be funded by the Board of Supervisors. The RCD's agreed to continue on this basis, rather than divert a share of taxes after Proposition 13. Each year, the RCD's bring forth an annual agreement increasing the yearly budget of the RCD's by the same percentage increase of the prior year's general fund growth in assessed property valuation. This annual contribution supports the districts programs.
The El Dorado County and Georgetown Divide Resource Conservatio...
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