Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement #079-S1611 with Michael Baker International, Inc., to provide services in an amount not to exceed $135,015 for a term of one year from the date of final execution to:
1) Identify alternate routes for the Rubicon Trail around Wentworth Springs and Wintercamp, two areas known to have Saturated Soil Conditions during winter months; and
2) Provide the necessary mitigation requirements for California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act environmental review for the identification of alternate trail alignments on the Rubicon Trail.
FUNDING: California State Parks, Off Highway Motor Vehicle Division Grants.
Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement #079-S1611 with Michael Baker International, Inc. to Identify alternate routes for the Rubicon Trail around Wentworth Springs and Wintercamp and provide the necessary mitigation requirements for California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act environmental review for the identification of alternate trail alignments on the Rubicon Trail. The County does not have staffing, expertise or equipment available to complete the necessary mitigation requirements for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review for the identification of alternate trail alignments on the Rubicon Trail.
The proposed study for Alternate Trail Routes for the Rubicon Trail focuses on two (2) segments of the Rubicon Trail, Wentworth Springs Campground and Winter Camp Area. There are seven areas identified in Exhibit "C" of the Easement grant by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service on August 14, 2012. Of the seven areas, two areas proposed for alternate routes have histori...
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