Hearing to consider modification to final map E-51 (TM69-0002C2) to remove the 25-foot building setback for Lot 149/Gold Ridge Forest, Unit 2 (APN 009-501-04) consisting of 53,664 square feet in the Pollock Pines area; Applicant: Greg Terry. (District II)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning staff recommends the Board take the following action: 1. Certify the final map modification for E-51, Lot 149 (TM69-0002C2), is statutorily exempt pursuant to Section 15268(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines; and 2. Approve the modification to the final map for E-51, Lot 149, based on the conditions of approval contained in Attachment 1, based on the findings contained in Attachment 2.
The subdivision known as Gold Ridge Forest, Unit 2, was recorded on September 12, 1969. The project parcel qualifies for a 50 percent reduction in front yard setback pursuant to El Dorado County Ordinance 17.14.030 (single story private garage). Where the elevation at the required building line is more than six feet above or below the street elevation at the edge of the roadway, the required distance between a single story private garage and the property line may be reduced by up to fifty percent. (Prior code ยง9430(d))
The Gold Ridge Forest, Unit 2, subdivision has as a requirement on the cover page for a building setback line requirement of 25 feet (Exhibit E). This requirement disallows the application of the above referenced administrative variance provided by the Zoning Ordinance.
By electing to design the structure with a single story, two car garage compliant and consistent with Ordinance 17.14.030, and as conditioned by this map correction, a typical residential structure can be constructed upon the lot, compliant with applicable El Dorado County ordinances and codes.
Project Description: Request to modify the recorded final map (E-51) for Gold Ridge Forest, Unit 2, to remove the 25 foot building setback line for Lot 149 pursuant to the subdivis...
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